We inspire, advise and facilitate knowledge sharing based on practical experience leading and collaborating in hybrid environments.

The workplace of the future is hybrid​

Corona taught us to collaborate virtually. Now it’s time to look forward to a new hybrid workplace that brings together the best of both worlds. Our services are based on practical experience from world leaders in hybrid leadership. We are here to assist you in your hybrid journey.


The hybrid worklife

Danica Pension focuses on the hybrid working life, and HybridLedelse.dk was selected as a partner. We have developed concrete advice to both managers and employees, and are of course proud of the collaboration. Take a look and let us know about your experiences.

We offer

We are specialists in hybrid leadership and collaboration. We advise broadly and always based on your specific situation. Contact us for a non-binding talk about how we might be able to help you.


We do inspirational sessions for leaders and employees on navigating the hybrid workplace, and leading effectively


We design and facilitate workshops for leaders and employees, focusing on hybrid skills


We do courses on hybrid leadership, and hybrid collaboration


We advise customers on hybrid workplace design, leadership coaching and hybrid transformation

Partners and customers

We are passionate about the potential of creating the flexible hybrid workplace of the future. Here are some of the partners and customers we have collaborated with the past year. 

We collaborate with

We are passionate about the potential of creating the flexible hybrid workplace of the future, and collaborate with a number of selected partners.

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About us

We believe that the workplace of the future must master hybridity. We are passionate about Hybrid Management and collaboration, and want to help bring organizations to the forefront of hybrid transformation. We ourselves bring both practical experience with hybrid management and management development to the table